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Cancer Screening and Awareness: Tumour c

APAC Biotech is a biotechnology company focused on the research and development of dendritic cell based personalised immunotherapies for cancer treatment
With more than a decade of research, our versatile team of scientists and doctors are going deeper into creating unmatched customised cancer therapeutics to enhance the immune system further, enabling it to fight cancer better.


Our commitment to improve the quality of life of our cancer patients, drives us in everything we do.

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APCEDEN® Personalised Immunotherapy

Our personalised cancer treatment activates the immune system of the cancer patient to generate an immune response against the tumor

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KeepMyTumor Tumor Banking

Cancer Patients can bank their tumor with us and take advantage of rapidly evolving cancer treatment and Diagnostic technologies

Meet The Team

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Arun Mehra


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Dr. Bandana Sharan


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Chaitanya Kumar

(Asst. Research Director)

Patient Stories

Prostate Cancer Survivor

Christopher Mccue, Pennsylvania (United States)

"I landed in India at Apac Biotech with a lot of hope to treat my terminal illness and I found I made the right decision. It has truly given me my life back. I was so sick it is indeed a miracle to me. I have gone from barely being able to walk a block to being able to walk for miles everyday, and took up yoga while here in India. Best part is APCEDEN® doesn't have side effects like chemo, radiation etc !"

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